mercredi 27 avril 2011

dream in another dream

You're in a city filed with girls and there is no guys. Every girl is blond and I'm in a palace filled with girls in short shorts. All day they  feed me strawberries and chocolate also they dress me every day and bring me to work .

The minute I wake up I'm in a space ship going to the moon with my best friend and we have no food. I pressed a subway button and subway came out of this hole and we have free drinks and all sorts of fast food .After being in the space ship for 3 days we finally start getting near the moon. We are going faster and faster heading towards the moon and we are panicking. As soon as we hit the moon I wake up and im actually on mars, eating subway, sitting down on a big peace of coal having a chit chat with my friend. I wake up and im really in my bed .

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