vendredi 13 mai 2011

How do you know your not in a dream ?

had a dream last night. it was a normal dream--very realistic. I was going to the bathroom.

i couldn't focus on anything though and when i tried to observe very specific visual details of anything around me, i couldn't. so i realized i was dreaming because as my mind wandered, so did the things around me.consciousness is much more stable and detailed.

as far as knowing that your WHOLE life isn't a dream, i've decided what my life is and what it means to be awake. even if i've been asleep forever, the thing I call "being awake" is still in my memory and remains unchanged.

if someone told me tomorrow that i've been asleep this whole time, that doesn't change the events of my life or my past, it just means that they call it something different than i do.

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