lundi 19 septembre 2011

Monster-thursday july 9th

Steve is concerned about what people think because he is accused of killing a man   robing a drug store :how  evey one calls him a MONSTER ,.Steve walks down the isle of the court room and sees bunch of teenagers witch makes him very nervous when he looked over and the class turned away quickly , he also sees one pretty girl steve looks over and she turns her head the other way .the teenagers are thinking that hes a killer and that hes a rude kid . the cute girl staying at him probably thinks hes cute but bad because hes walking down the court way

Steves father thinks he’s still a human being and since hes son is there for him , hes father encourages him and tells him he’s gonna be alright and that hes not a monster .Steve also thinks about him self , he second guesses him self and asks if all this was worth it.

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