lundi 19 septembre 2011

Monster-thursday july 9th

Steve is concerned about what people think because he is accused of killing a man   robing a drug store :how  evey one calls him a MONSTER ,.Steve walks down the isle of the court room and sees bunch of teenagers witch makes him very nervous when he looked over and the class turned away quickly , he also sees one pretty girl steve looks over and she turns her head the other way .the teenagers are thinking that hes a killer and that hes a rude kid . the cute girl staying at him probably thinks hes cute but bad because hes walking down the court way

Steves father thinks he’s still a human being and since hes son is there for him , hes father encourages him and tells him he’s gonna be alright and that hes not a monster .Steve also thinks about him self , he second guesses him self and asks if all this was worth it.

vendredi 9 septembre 2011

shawshank redemption and time to kill

shawshank redemption and time to kill are two different movies about the law and racism in the same period of time

time to kill is about an African American man who has a wife and kids and man comes home and heres hes daughter got rapped by two ugly red necks.The African American man whos named Carl Lee hailey  to go shoot down the two young man in the out side of the court room .At this time the klu klux klan wa still in style , they  tried to assassinate carl lee hailey until court proven innocent.

Andy Dufresne is a young and successful banker whose life changes drastically when he is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. Set in the 1940's, the film shows how Andy, with the help of his friend Red, the prison entrepreneur, turns out to be a most unconventional prisoner

mercredi 7 septembre 2011

shawshank redemption and time to kill

shawshank redemption and time to kill are two different movies about the law and racism in the same period of time

time to kill is about an African American man who has a wife and kids and man comes home and heres hes daughter got rapped by two ugly red necks.The African American man whos named Carl Lee hailey  to go shoot down the two young man in the out side of the court room .At this time the klu klux klan wa still in style , they  tried to assassinate carl lee hailey until court proven innocent.

vendredi 13 mai 2011

How does the movie truly end ?

he only has the ring on when he's in the dream world. At the end of the movie he isn't wearing the ring." If the ring only appears when he's in a dream and he's not wearing at the end of the film, that could be confirmation that in fact, the top does stop spinning after the credits and Cobb is at last in the real world.

Even though Cobb's kids appear to be wearing the same clothes at the end of the film, according to Inception's costume designer here they are indeed wearing different clothes.

How do you know your not in a dream ?

had a dream last night. it was a normal dream--very realistic. I was going to the bathroom.

i couldn't focus on anything though and when i tried to observe very specific visual details of anything around me, i couldn't. so i realized i was dreaming because as my mind wandered, so did the things around me.consciousness is much more stable and detailed.

as far as knowing that your WHOLE life isn't a dream, i've decided what my life is and what it means to be awake. even if i've been asleep forever, the thing I call "being awake" is still in my memory and remains unchanged.

if someone told me tomorrow that i've been asleep this whole time, that doesn't change the events of my life or my past, it just means that they call it something different than i do.

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Sir was borne November 30, 1874.Chirchill was English and he was also the prime minister, statesman, author. Churchill has become one of the legends of the twentieth century. A major and then an outstanding political figure in British and world history between 1905 and 1965, he was also a writer of substantial reputation and enormous output.

mercredi 11 mai 2011

how does the story truly end ?

Cobb is back in reality because of at least this one basic storytelling clue: Ellen Page's character Ariadne was predictably correct in all her insight throughout the entire movie and there's one statement at the end of the movie in 1st level dream when she escapes the water where she basically said Cobb will be alright. It would not be consistent with her character if she were wrong only  at the end. If you need another clue Cobb's totem was wobbling at the end .. if its not reality then it wouldn't even wobble in the first place. There are more clues  too but I think thats enough for pense aussi qu'au fin du film cétait pas un rever parce que dans tout les reve qu'ill avait ill pouvait pas voire les faces des enfant at aux fin ill ler sa vue .

vendredi 29 avril 2011

royal wedding

As you can see on the news the wedding is all over , the wedding is very important to a lot of people .even know it’s the prince and hes special and all I still think a wedding is a normal wedding I don’t see the difference between there wedding and every one else’s.
The royal wedding is the most known wedding in canada . The royal wedding has broken records for the biggest ever live streaming audience online, according to a internet firms. The Prime Minister added: "We want to mark the day as one of national celebration - a public holiday will ensure the most people possible will have a chance to celebrate on the day."I also think that they made the wedding a holiday really cool , usually you don’t see peoples wedding being on tv and a holiday so I think that would be a good holiday .
The timing of the wedding will mean there will be two four-day public holidays, two weekends in succession. The Monday after the wedding, May 2, is already a designated bank holiday; and the previous weekend is Easter, which also has two bank holidays on the Friday and Monday .

mercredi 27 avril 2011

dream in another dream

You're in a city filed with girls and there is no guys. Every girl is blond and I'm in a palace filled with girls in short shorts. All day they  feed me strawberries and chocolate also they dress me every day and bring me to work .

The minute I wake up I'm in a space ship going to the moon with my best friend and we have no food. I pressed a subway button and subway came out of this hole and we have free drinks and all sorts of fast food .After being in the space ship for 3 days we finally start getting near the moon. We are going faster and faster heading towards the moon and we are panicking. As soon as we hit the moon I wake up and im actually on mars, eating subway, sitting down on a big peace of coal having a chit chat with my friend. I wake up and im really in my bed .

mercredi 16 février 2011

Charlie Sheen Says Sobriety 'Bores' Him, Crack Okay if You Can 'Manage It Socially'

I think Charlie is wrong, crack is really bad for you and it wrecks your life. I think if he did crack for over 2 months he's going get addicted and start craving it and I have a sibling that got addicted and everything white, he would try to sniff. This shows that it's not good for you and you start seeing things when your sleeping. After a year, you will start getting depressed and will always have bad people around you and you will be panicking that theres cops watching you .If you watch Charlie's previous videos on Youtube you will notice that he's life is done and he will never be able to take it back .For all matters, do not do crack or drugs!

jeudi 10 février 2011


The media controls peoples minds because they have the power to say stuff and people will believe them ,and people who don't have opinions on the media will just believe what they say. Tv`s controls the world when one person says one thing it goes around and every one believes it cause they will hear it from alot of people. People need to stop believing what other people have to say and think what they want and not what others think .

I also love hearing people's views and beliefs of issues. That is what is so amazing about society today. We can all learn a little from everyone. We must be able to listen and and accept opinions, even though we may not agree with them sometimes. I try to understand where the person is coming from.

there is much truth in this quote,the media has it's good points and some really bad points.they tangle many situations, making it hard for society to grasp the real picture. That its just how It makes you feel sometimes. I see journalists and reporters and cameramen desperately searching for an good  story that they think the audience would be interested in reading and also believe in to what they are saying.